Heavenly Bodies

Heavenly Bodies was inspired by my love of space and galaxy painting skills. I chose an all matte palette to better showcase the intricate and bold details of galaxies.


The colors are rich and opaque, each color named for one of my favorite Heavenly Bodies:

  • Cydonia, a bright matte orange, is a specific region on the planet Mars.

  • Nibiru, a bright matte rose pink, is often referred to as Planet X or the doomsday event.

  • Mimas, a bright matte green, is named for my nephew's favorite moon of Saturn.

  • Worm Hole is a beautiful dense matte black, named for the celestial event that links disparate points in spacetime.

  • Kepler 186f and Gliese 667Cc are two the the closest matches for Earthlike celestial bodies. Kepler 186f is a beautiful matte royal purple and Gliese 667Cc is a matte midnight blue.

I hope you will enjoy using this palette as much as Vanessa and I enjoyed creating it. We can't wait to see all your stunning galaxies!



My name is Thera "Fauwxx" Roach and I'm just an awkwardly charismatic goofball. I live in sunny Arizona with my husband Pat and our fur babies: 3 hairless guinea pigs, a black cat and a leopard gecko. I've been watercoloring for almost four years now and absolutely love it! My creativity doesn't stop at watercolor though, I'm also a seamstress and avid crafter of things. I thoughoughly enjoy working with my hands and making things. I'm greatly inspired by bright, almost neon colors and I love anything surrealism related.